Date and Venue
November 16 (Saturday) | 17:00-19:30 JST
In-person at Waseda University and Online via Zoom (Registration here)
Room 711, Building 19, Waseda University
Event details:
Organized by: Waseda Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies Colloquium Series, Chiba Studies on Migration and Refugees.
Moderator: Prof. Gracia Liu-Farrer, Professor, Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Waseda University
1. Dr. Soo Jeong YI, The Sogang Euro-MENA Institute at Sogang University, Academic Research Professor, "Afghanistan Special Contributors' Journey to South Korea and Government-led Acculturation Efforts"
2. Dr. Gi Yeon KOO, Seoul National University Asia Center, Research Professor, “It’s Taking a Whole Village to Raise Children: Adaptation of Afghan Refugees and Social Acceptance in South Korea”
3. Prof. Reiko OGAWA, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Chiba University, Professor, “Becoming a Refugee in Japan: Challenges of Afghanistan Evacuees”
4. Dr. Sachiko HOSOYA, International University of Health and Welfare, Professor, “Challenges of Caring for Afghan Families in the Japanese Health Sector”
5. Prof. Hasibullah Mowahed, Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies; Special Researcher, Chiba University, “Comparison of evacuees’ situation in Japan and European Countries”
1. Prof. David SLATER, Professor, Sophia University
2. Prof. Akihiro KOIDO, Professor, Asia University
Acknowledgement: This have been funded by JSPS Kaken 24H00136 & 24H00153 and “Participatory Action Research towards Social Integration of Migrants and Refugees”, Chiba University.