Prof. Lara Tienshi CHEN
Ph.D. in International Political Economy, University of Tsukuba. Undertook research at Chinese University of Hong Kong (1994-1995), Harvard University (1997-2000 and University of Tokyo (2000-2003). Being associate professor and organized numerous events, talks and exhibitions while working in National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka (2003-2013) and started teaching at the School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda Univeristy since 2013.
She wrote the book “Mukokuseki (無国籍 Stateless)” that was published in Japan, translated and published in Korea and Taiwan, which is based on her own experience as stateless person for over 30 years. Her research topics include Chinese diaspora, statelessness and global migration. She also founded the NGO group Stateless Network in 2009 to advocate and support stateless issues.
Research Project
Social perceptions of statelessness and development of educational tools
Stateless, NUS Press, Singapore, 2024.
『無国籍と複数国籍―あなたは「ナニジン」ですか?』光文社新書、2022. (生協総研賞表彰事業研究賞受賞)
“Sino-Burmese Secondary Migration and Identity: Tracing Family Histories”, Journal of Chinese Overseas 18 (2022) 358–383.
「太平洋戦争期の横浜華僑華人―魏家と汪家のファミリーヒストリーを通して」早稲田大学国際教養学部紀要Waseda Global Forum Vol.17、2021年3月、1-23頁。
Migration Policy in Asia, Sage Publishing, August, 2020.
『移民がやってきた―アジアの少数民族、日本での物語』現代人文社, 2019.
『無国籍―我,和那些被国家遗忘的人们』 八旗出版, 2017.
『無国籍』 新潮文庫, 2011.
『パスポート学』北海道大学出版会, 2016.
“Born to Be Stateless, Being Stateless: Translational Marriage, Migration and the Registration of Stateless People in Japan,” in Sari K. Ishii ed., Marriage Migration in Asia- Emerging Minorities at the Frontiers of Nation States, National Singapore University Press, 2016, pp187-201.
Human Rights and Support for Stateless People around the World: Japan’s Role.
International Academic Conference Report, Senri Ethnological Reports 118, National Museum of Ethnology, 2014, pp1-229.
『越境とアイデンティフィケーション:国籍・パスポート・IDカード』新曜社, 2012.
『忘れられた人々 日本の「無国籍」者』明石書店, 2010.
『華人ディアスポラ―華商のネットワークとアイデンティティ』)明石書店, 2001