News and Announcements
7 Sept 2024
October 29 2024: Is this home? Chinese top graduates’ staying aspirations in Japan
This presentation addresses an old phenomenon in migration, namely that short-term intentions can lead to long-term stays, from a newer angle, by adopting de Haas’ aspirations-capabilities framework to map shifts over students’ mobility trajectories in pandemic and post-pandemic times. Students’ scope of action against geopolitical, economic and social structures is highlighted, by placing migrants’ perspectives at the center of analysis.
1 Apr 2024
April 9 2024: Comparing Japan’s Immigration Policy under Koizumi and Abe: From Standstill to Dam Break
This talk compares the immigration policy during the Koizumi and Abe administrations and discusses this shift from prolonged stalemate to comprehensive reform by analyzing the framing and institutional setting in immigration policy around 2005 and in the late 2010s.
10 Nov 2023
Dec 7 2023: [Book talk] Governing Migration For Development From the Global Souths
This book lecture will explore migration gouvernance by providing perspectives from the global South(s). Based on the book structure, it will focus on the challenges and opportunities of governing migration on multiple levels: the subnational, national, regional and international.
18 Oct 2023
Nov 28 2023: Rethinking the 'Ethnocentric Firm': Place of Education and Attainment Among White-Collar Migrants to Japan
Scholars contend that Japanese firms hold white-collar foreign workers to a far higher bar for assimilation than do employers in other countries. This model of the ethnocentric firm suggests that the growing number of foreign-educated white-collar migrants in Japan should face steep labor market penalties, compared to migrants educated in Japan, because they have had fewer opportunities to familiarize themselves with Japanese working styles and norms. We test this hypothesis using a sample of 546 Asian white-collar foreign workers.
29 Jul 2023
[CALL FOR PAPERS] Waseda WIAPS/IAM: International Symposium: Democratizing International Student Mobility, Japan, February 2-3, 2024
The Waseda Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies and The Waseda Institute of Asian Migrations are jointly organizing the international symposium “Democratizing International Student Mobility.” This symposium aims to examine international student mobility in the contemporary era with a specific focus on the issue of inequality and the practices and experiences related to the possibility of democratization of international education.
19 May 2023
July 5 2023: [Mini-symposium] Vietnamese Migrant Workers in Japan and the UK
A mini-symposium (in-person and online) with Dr. An Huy Tran (Bielefeld University), Dr. Sebastian Rumsby (Queen Mary University of London) and Dr. Aimi Nakamura (Duisburg-Essen University) on Vietnamese migration workers.
*Refreshments provided*
** This event will be recorded
10 May 2023
May 31 2023: [FILM SCREENING] Finding their niche: Unheard stories of migrant women - A film by Megha Wadhwa
Through personal narratives told by Indian migrant women, we examine past, present and future expectations and see how these affect their roles as Indian women, wives, mothers, and workers in a foreign country, as well as the challenges they faced in ‘Finding their Niche’.