New and Old Diversity Exchange (NODE) UK-Japan Network

The NODE network is led by the University of Birmingham’s Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS) and Waseda University’s Institute for Asian Migrations (IAM) and brings social sciences, arts and humanities academics from the UK and Japan together to develop new knowledge and insight about migration-driven socio-demographic change resulting from old and new migrations.
Migrants form part of many societies across the world and we are witnessing the intensification of diversity which is proceeding at unprecedented speed, scale and spread in many countries including the UK and Japan.
These two countries have many political, economic and social differences yet they share one major challenge: a shortage of labour. Both have attempted to resist high levels of migration, yet now accept that future prosperity depends on international labour migration. Post-Brexit the UK expects to move beyond the EU for its migrant labour whilst at the same time Japan, housing relatively small numbers of migrants compared to the UK, is opening its doors to labour migrants.
Our new academic network brings social sciences, arts and humanities academics from the UK and Japan together to develop new knowledge and insight about diversification and integration resulting from old and new migrations. The network offers opportunities for new directions of scholarly work comparing migration in Japan and UK. Our approach is highly original in its fusion of East/West intellectual traditions and knowledge that is both interdisciplinary and comparative.
Aim of the research
The overall aim of the project is to create a sustainable network of social science, arts and humanities academics to undertake comparative research exploring old and new migrations and diversifications in the UK and Japan....
Partner organizations and funding sources
This is a collaboration between the Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS) at the University of Birmingham, UK, and the Institute of Asian Migrations (IAM) at Waseda University, Japan.
It is funded by the ESRC Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) UK-Japan Social Sciences and Humanities Connections Programme.
Research team
Principal investigator
Professor Jenny Phillimore (University of Birmingham)
Professor Gracia Liu-Farrer (Waseda University)
Professor Glenda Roberts (Waseda University)
Dr Nando Sigona (University of Birmingham)
25th May | Health and Welfare of Immigrants NODE UK|Japan webinar
13th December | Migrations and Diversifications in the UK and Japan NODE UK|Japan webinar
21st April | Surviving COVID-19: Vulnerable migrants in Japan and the UK NODE UK|Japan webinar
24th February | Vulnerable migrants and Covid-19 in the UK and Japan NODE UK|Japan webinar
2-6 December | International Symposium - New and old migrations and diversities in UK and Japan