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Prof. Gracia Liu-Farrer
Gracia Liu-Farrer (Ph.D. Sociology, University of Chicago), is professor of sociology at the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies. Her research examines immigrants’ economic, social and political practices in Japan, and the global mobility of students and professional migrants. Currently she investigates how the globalizing labor market restructure migrants’ careers as well as redefine the meanings of work, and how firms in Japan and Germany deal with the increase of mobile workers. She has authored many book chapters and journal articles. Her books include the monograph Labor Migration from China to Japan: International Students, Transnational Migrants (Routledge, 2011), the Handbook of Asian Migrations (co-edited with Brenda Yeoh, Routledge, 2018), and the monograph Immigrant Japan: Mobility and Belonging in an Ethno-nationalist Society (Cornell University Press, 2020).
2021-2024 Primary Investigator (PI): JSPS KIBAN-B "Determinants of international students' educational mobility: a comparative study of Japan and Germany"
2017-2020 “Global Labor Mobility and the Changing Meanings of Work and Workplace: A Comparative Study of Germany and Japan,” Japan Ministry of Education (MEXT)/Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Fund for the promotion of International Joint Research.
2020-2021 “Japan’s New Immigrant Entrepreneurship: Determinants, Trajectories and Outcomes,” Waseda Special Research Project.
2024-2028 Co-Investigator, European Research Council (ERC)-Horizon project: MIGMOBS—the Orders and Borders of Global Inequality-Migration and Mobilities in Late Capitalism
2023-2025 Co-Investigator, EU-Horizon project: AspirE—Decision making of aspiring (re)migrants to and within the EU: the case of labor market-leading migrations from Asia.